
PR Friendly/Media

Currently looking for work in Sponsored Posts and Product Reviews in the following areas.

  • Essential oils
  • Aromatherapy
  • Diffusers
  • Organic Food
  • Homeopathic Remedies
  • Green Cleaning

 I have a son, Dylan, who was diagnosed with ASD with global delay at age 13 months old. He is currently 3 years old,  he suffers greatly from SPD as well has delays in mental development and speech. He is Non-verbal and a limited eater. Also sleeping issues. My daughter, Jasmine who is 8 years old is also special needs. She was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder at 5 years old and Nocturnal Epilepsy this past summer. 

Living with special needs children is not easy there are really good days and there are really awful days. I have geared Special Footprints towards helping families with the same issues find comfort and solutions to everyday issues we suffer with. By sharing my experiences with them by doing reviews, ramblings, tips and tricks. I will show the good, bad and ugly of life as a special needs parent in effort to let other moms and families know they are not alone in this, Because at times that is just what we feel. I want to let them know whats out there. What works and what doesn't. That its ok to not know what your doing, because most of the time special needs doesn't come with a hand book. There are resources everywhere, I want to help readers find them

I'm looking forward to working with companies who have the same mind set of, just wanting to help families with day to day struggles. Just trying to make life a little easier and help our children grow and learn like they deserve. 

If you find that you are interested in becoming a sponsor to Special Footprints or would like more detailed information, please feel free to contact me via Email

Thanks for Stopping by and I hope to hear from you soon.
Jessie Cody.

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